
Cultural Access

These practices are open to all, and I strive to welcome all people in specific acceptance of the experiences, knowledge, personality and creativity they bring. As of this writing, my class groups have a majority of people racialized as white, and I would like to hear from you if that presents a barrier to your comfort or access to this space.

I am very willing to speak to my privileges, mistakes, and intentions, knowing that I hold the space for everyone to enter. We are co-creating in the moment together, but ultimately I take responsibility for the group and am happy to be learning in that process.

Financial Access

Physical & Sensory Access

Holding these classes online gives accessibility controls to YOU, whether you need lower volume on our calls, to turn off your camera or microphone, to come and go throughout class, or to use captions for everything that is spoken. You also have privacy while drawing, so you can choose if you want to share your work and your thoughts with the group. The choice is yours.

My policy is to set prices that reflect a fair payment for the work I’m doing, and then be flexible with any request for a fee change. You don’t need to justify your price request — it’s not my business. Just tell me what you need.

Every fee is flexible to your needs. All you have to do is ask.

Contact the team

If you have any questions, or need to make a change to your account, this is where to find us.

You can expect a response within three business days, and if you don’t hear back in that timeframe, try us again. We’re a small team made of humans, after all! We’re always balancing care for ourselves with care for this business and community members.

Discord Community
